Travel Time- First travel back a decade to LA, for the premier of The Source Family Documentary. The excitement was palpable, as many of our scattered souls converged to celebrate. I had been part of the original team that helped to gather information for the first Source Family Book, then it took on a life of it’s own when Jodi WIllie found Isis and published an amalgamation of that information along with a more in depth look at Isis and how she arrived at the Source.  From there they produced a documentary film, and now , FINALLY, the long awaited Source Family Scrapbook.

This book is an actual digital reproduction of one of Isis scrapbooks from back in the day. Huge in it’s original 12×12 form and printed on glossy paper. As pictures were taken and developed, she added them to it . It’s a collection of our everyday lives, uncensored except by her eye. Candid photos of the moments, outtakes of planned photos, even proof sheets. All a fascinating insight into who we were.

During the week beinning March 20, Isis and I are traveling back to LA to launch this book, meet with as many of our cohorts as possible, and enjoy some wonderful celebrations along the way. Will we see you there?