August 1 has often been a landmark day for me. So many events hinge around this date. The highlight of my lifetime was knocking on the door of the Source Restaurant 50 years ago and meeting Father Yod.

I had been on a journey that summer and was only 16. It started in a van with friends leaving Chicago to attend the first ever Rainbow Gathering in Colorado. My quest felt unfulfilled and needed to go further. I took a ride with other friends who were on their way to Oregon. Something inside told me to part ways with them at the border of California in Klamath Falls and followed my thumb to San Francisco and then LA arriving on the bustling Sunset Strip. My last ride from an older magician in a VW bus with the plates “MAGICBUS”. He dropped me just after the restaurant had closed. The rest of the story is in my upcoming memoir “Psychedelic Wild Child”